Mamp Wordpress Tutorial

Installing MAMP # Once the download is complete, double-click the zip file and extract the contents to your desktop. You will see an installer file called MAMP2.1.4.pkg (your version may be different) – double-click that file to run the installer. Videoget license key free. There are 7 steps in the MAMP install process.

  • WordPress Development and Deployment With MAMP, Git and Dropbox Nowadays in order to be a freelance WordPress developer you often need to develop simultaneously several WordPress sites for different clients.
  • Mit MAMP kann man schnell und einfach WordPress installieren. Die Installation zeigen wir in diesem Tutorial auf deutsch.### Lerne Laravel mit dem neuen Lara.

I use MAMP to create a local development site and when I am ready to place it online I install the plugin Duplicator to back it up and through ftp move it online.


Mamp Wordpress Tutorial For Beginners

The video tutorial shows how to do these things:

– Download of MAMP 3.
– Renaming the existing MAMP 2 folder to MAMP-old, so that it will not be overwritten by the new installation.
– Installation of MAMP 3.
– Copying MAMP 2 – db and htdocs folder with contents over to MAMP 3 folder.

Installing Wordpress On Mamp

– Download of WordPress selfhosted software. Moving the unzipped folder to htdocs (document root folder) and renaming it.
– Going to the url https://localhost:8888/ which shows the htdocs root content. Selecting the new renamed WordPress folder.
– Opening a new MAMP start screen. Tools -> PHPMyAdmin to create a new database for the new installation of WordPress.
– Beginning the install of a new WordPress site. Inserting Database name – name of the database you just created, User name “root”, Password “root” and Host “localhost”.
– Finished.

If you plan on creating a WordPress Multisite through MAMP

Then you need to change the Ports numbers. As you need the URL to look like this: https://localhost/MAMP/?language=English without the :8888 Apache port number.

Stop the Servers. Open Preferences in the MAMP panel. Go to Ports.
Click the “Set Web & MySQL ports to 80 & 3306”. Click OK.

A warning message might come up:
“…. Each server must be assigned a unique port. Please check your configuration.”
Go back and change the Nginix port. I use the following:

Apache Port: 80
Nginx Port: 8888
MySQL Port: 3306

Click ok. Restart the Servers.
The root document folder url will change from localhost:8888/ to localhost without any port numbers in the URL.

Go ahead and create your WordPress site and then multisite.

If you created sites with the default port numbers (8888 and 8889) these sites will not come up because of the change. To see these sites change the port numbers back to the default. By Stopping MAMP and restarting and going to Preferences then Ports and clicking Set MAMP ports to default.

MAMP 3 user guide:

How To Install Mamp

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