Cmos Fet

If the output voltage rises too high relative to the reference voltage, the drive to the power FET changes to maintain a constant output voltage. Low-dropout (LDO) regulators work in the same way as all linear voltage regulators. The main difference between LDO and non-LDO regulators is their schematic topology. 4069:4049 - Build a module to allow using 4069 CMOS chips in 4049-based layouts. Grace / Big Daddy - Two 386-based distortions. Article, schematics, and PCB/perfboard layouts. Little Gem - Two 9v battery-powered amps based on the LM386. Schematic and PCB/perfboard layouts. Detection (thermal shutdown of a high-side FET or excessive ON-state voltage drop across a low-side FET), this pin is pulled low by the device (see Table 13: Truth table in fault conditions (detected on OUTA). 10 INB Counter clockwise input. CMOS compatible 11 CP Connection to the gate of the external MOS used for the reverse battery protection. 2/07/2005 L03 – CMOS Technology 9 FET = Field-Effect Transistor The four terminals of a fet (gate, source, drain and bulk) connect to conducting surfaces that generate a complicated set of electric fields in the channel region which depend on the relative voltages of each terminal.

Richard J. and Mary Jo Schwartz Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering



-Atomic Layer Depostion (ALD)

ALD based nano-materials
ALD based nano-devices
ALD based nano-physics
ALD based nano-structures

ECE 201 Linear Circuit Analysis
ECE 255 Microelectronic Circuit Design

ECE 659V High-Speed Semiconductor Device
ECE 658 Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization
EPICS (Engineering Project In Community Service)

(We are missing Kun and Lin)

(We are missing Kun and Sami)

Postal Address: Purdue University
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2035

Birck Nanotechnology Center
1205 West State Street
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2057

Office:BRK 1291 (Birck) Primary
EE 252 (ECE)
Phone: Phone: 765.494.7611
Fax: 765.496.7443
Education: * BS, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 1988
* Ph.D., Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany, 1996

Background & Interests:

Semiconductor physics and devices, Nano-structures and nano-fabrications, Quantum/spin-transport, Atomic layer deposition, High-k/III-V and Ge device integration, High-performance III-V and Ge MOSFETs, High-k/2D integration, High-performance 2D devices, 2D spintronics, All oxide electronics, and wide bandgap semiconductor GaN and Ga2O3 power electronics.

Recent News in our ALD Group:

'IEEE Spectrum' magazine, the most prestigious one in electrical engineering society, publishes a long feature article about our break-through work on ALD high-k/InGaAs MOSFET. This article also reviews the history and current status of GaAs MOSFET research. PDF

Science quotes our breakthrough work on InGaAs MOSFET in its editorial article published on Feb. 20, 2009. PDF

Three papers on InGaAs MOSFETs (PDF), FinFETs (PDF) and GaAs interface studies (PDF) are accepted by IEDM 2009. Yanqing Wu's the first III-V FinFET work is selected as one of eight highlights for the coming IEDM.

The world first III-V FinFET gets wide interests from the device community:

Purdue News Press:


IEEE Spectrum Press:

National Science Foundation Highlights:

Peide Ye receives 2011 IBM Faculty Award.

Jiangjiang Gu's breakthrough work on world-first top-down gate-all-around (GAA) III-V nanowire FET got a lot of attentions from CMOS and nanoelectronics community after IEDM report.

Purdue News Press:

IEEE Spectrum Press:

Compound Semiconductor Press:


Peide Ye has been selected by a panel of distinguished professors at Purdue to be a University Faculty Scholar.

Jiangjiang's two papers on III-V GAA nanowire FETs are accepted by IEDM. They are '20-80nm Channel Length InGaAs Gate-all-around Nanowire MOSFETs with EOT=1.2nm and Lowest SS=63mV/dec' and 'III-V Gate-all-around Nanowire MOSFET Process Technology: From 3D to 4D'. The work is in close collaborations with Prof. Roy Gordon's group at Harvard University.

Purdue New Press:

Semiconductor Today:

Peide Ye has been named IEEE Fellow in December 2012. He was honored for his contributions to compound semiconductor MOSFET materials and devices. IEEE Fellow is the highest grade of membership and is recognized by the technical community as a prestigious honor and an important career achievement.

Jiangjiang Gu wins 2012 SISC Ed Nicollian Best Student Paper Award

Heng Wu wins 2013 SISC Ed Nicollian Best Student Paper Award

Han Liu and Adam Neal's work on phosphorene starts to attract attention in nano-materials and nano-electronics communities:

Nature reports: Phosphorene excites materials scientistsPapersNature_Phosphorene_2014.pdf

Science reports: Beyond Graphene Science 2015 Beyond Graphene

2015 Nature reports: 2D or not 2D 2015 Nature 2D Report

Phosphorene work is highlighted as one of 'Cutting edge chemistry in 2014' by Chemistry World/Royal Society of Chemistry

Three papers are accepted by VLSI 2014 including one Late News Paper. They are Heng Wu's 'Ge CMOS: Breakthroughs of nFETs (Imax=714 mA/mm, gmax=590 mS/mm) by recessed channel and S/D' and Lin Dong's 'III-V CMOS Devices and Circuits with High-Quality Atomic-Layer-Epitaxial La2O3/GaAs Interface'. The Late News Paper is Lingming Yang's 'High-Performance MoS2 Field-Effect Transistors Enabled by Chloride Doping: Record Low Contact Resistance (0.5kΩum) and Record High Drain Current (460 uA/um)' in collaborations with SEMATECH and Intel Cooperation.

Total five papers are accepted by IEDM 2014 including one co-authored with Shin and Prof. Alam. They are:

'First Experimental Demonstration of Ge CMOS Circuits' by Heng Wu et al.

'Deep Sub-100nm Ge CMOS Devices on Si with the Recessed S/D and Channel' by Heng Wu et al.

'Low Frequency Noise and RTN on Near-Ballistic III-V GAA Nanowire MOSFETs' by N. Conrad, M. Si, et al.

'Direct Observation of Self-heating in III-V Gate-all-around Nanowire MOSFETs' by Shin, et al.

'Towards High Performance 2D Black Phosphorus Optoelectronic Devices: the role of metal contact' by Yexin Deng et al.

Heng Wu's work on Ge CMOS starts to attract attention in electronics device community:

Heng Wu won the Best Student Paper Award for the 2014 Symposium on VLSI Technology, one of the two most competitive conferences in electronic device field.

Two IEDM papers are accepted by IEDM 2015. One is Heng's Ge nanowire CMOS and another is Jingyun and Mengwei's InGaAs nanowire with anisotropic etching.

Heng Wu won the Best Student Paper Award for the 2015 Device Research Conference, one of the competitive conferences in electronic device field.

IEEE Spectrum reports Heng Wu's Ge Nanowire CMOS work. PDF

In June 2016, Purdue trustee ratified Chair Professorship to Peide Ye as Richard J. and Mary Jo Schwartz Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. PDF

Two IEDM papers are accepted by IEDM 2016. One is Lingming's black phosphorus device paper in collaborations with TSMC and AFRL. Another paper is from Shin and Prof. Alam, co-authoring with us, on self-heating effect on floating body transistors. Congratulations!

Peide Ye has been elected Fellow of the American Physics Society (APS). The citation is 'For contributions to scientific understanding and technical development of transistor technology on novel channel materials.'

IEEE Spectrum published a new Feature Article on Germanium Transistor Technology written by Peide D. Ye. PDF

Hong Zhou made a breakthrough work on b-Ga2O3 membrane transistors with record drain currents for both E-mode and D-mode devices.

Peide Ye is the recipient of the 2017 CoE Faculty Award of Excellence in Research.

Peide Ye is the 2017 recipient of the Sigma Xi Research Award.

Peide Ye has been chosen as the 2018 Arden L. Bement Jr. Award recipient. As the top Purdue University research honors, the Bement Award is given for significant accomplishments in pure and applied science and engineering. Ye is being honored for his field-defining work in synthesizing and applying novel electronic materials to achieve record device performance.

Congratulations to Mengwei! His 'Steep Slope Hysteresis-free Negative Capacitance MoS2 Transistors' work was published in 'Nature Nanotechnology'.

Congratulations to Gang Qiu! As the equal contributed first author, his 'Field-effect transistors made from solution-grown two-dimensional tellurene' work was published in 'Nature Electronics'.

Congratulations to Wonil, Gang, Sami, Pai-Ying, Jinhyun and others ! We will present 6 papers at Device Research Conference this year including 1 invited talk, 2 oral talks and 3 poster presentations.

Congratulations to Wonil and Mengwei ! 'First Direct Experimental Studies of Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Ferroelectric Polarization Switching Down to 100-picosecond in Sub-60mV/dec Germanium Ferroelectric Nanowire FETs' work, in collaboration with NIST, was accepted by 2018 VLSI as a Late News paper.

Congratulations to Wonil! 'First Demonstration of Ge Ferroelectric Nanowire FET as Synaptic Device for Online Learning in Neural Network with High Number of Conductance State and Gmax/Gmin' work, was accepted by 2018 IEDM.

IEEE Spectrum reports this new work for AI applications.

Congratulations to Gang and Wonil for receiving 2019 Bilsland Fellowships !

Congratulations to Lyu Xiao and Mengwei! HfZrO2 scaling paper was accepted by VLSI 2019.

The editorial review of negative capacitance field-effect transistor was publihsed by Applied Physics Letters. PDF

Peide Ye and his colleagues at CEA-LETI and IBM Research published a review article in IEEE Spectrum August 2019 issue on 'The Last Silicon Transistor' PDF

IEEE Spectrum Press:

Congratulations to Mengwei, Xiao and others! The papers on HZO sub-1ns polarization switch and In2Se3 ferroelectric semiconductor tunneling junction were accepted by 2019 IEDM.

Congratulations to Mengwei and all coauthors! The paper on a ferroelectric semiconductor transistor was accepted by Nature Electronics.

Purdue Press:

Peide Ye is recognized as the Highly Cited Researchers among 6000 world wide in all fields.

Purdue Press:

Congratulations to Jingkai, Pai-Ying and all coauthors! The paper on tellurium atomic chains was published by Nature Electronics.

Purdue Press:

Army Press:

Congratulations to Gang Qiu and all coauthors! The paper on the observation of Berry phase and Weyl fermions in n-type tellurene was published by Nature Nanotechnology.
Articles and Schematics projects are provided free-of-charge to builders for personal, non-commercial use. We do offer licensing for builders who wish to sell pedals based on, in whole or in part, our projects. As part of the licensing agreement, the builder must clearly state that the circuit was developed by, both in promotional literature and on the circuit board. If you see a pedal for sale that seems to be based on a project and does not credit us, the builder may not be officially licensed by us and therefore, not compensating us as the developer. Please contact us with the information and we will investigate the situation. Thank you.

Cmos Fet Transistor

Azabache - An original overdrive inspired by classic Fender amps. Schematic, PCB/perfboard layouts, and photos.
Britannia - An original overdrive inspired by the Vox AC-30 Top Boost amp. Schematic, PCB/perfboard layouts, and photos.
Build a breadboard power module - Simplify integrated circuit breadboard projects.
Condor Cab Sim - A professional-quality 4x10 open-back speaker cabinet simulator. Includes PCB layout.
Double D - Two channels of buxom distortion. Schematic and PCB/perfboard layouts.
Eighteen - The Marshall 18W adapted for use as a distortion stompbox. Schematic, PCB/perfboard layouts, and photos.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about and its content.
Fetzer Valve - A closer look at the FET booster based on a vintage Fender 12AX7 input stage. Schematics, PCB/perfboard layouts, JFET tester schematic, and online calculator.
Ginger - The Ampeg SB-12 Portaflex adapted for use as a bass guitar distortion stompbox. Schematic and PCB/perfboard layouts.
4069:4049 - Build a module to allow using 4069 CMOS chips in 4049-based layouts.
Grace / Big Daddy - Two 386-based distortions. Article, schematics, and PCB/perfboard layouts.
Little Gem - Two 9v battery-powered amps based on the LM386. Schematic and PCB/perfboard layouts.
MacRuby - A Macintosh Plus computer converted to a combo amp, powered by the Ruby. Includes a video demo.
May Queen - A stone cold crazy treble-boosted overdrive. Schematic, PCB/perfboard layouts, and photos.
Mr. EQ - A simple, yet potent DIY equalizer. Schematic, PCB/perfboard layouts, and photos.
Mockman - Schematic of a Rockman-like distortion. Schematic and PCB/perfboard layouts.
Omega - A versatile FET booster engine. Schematic and perfboard/PCB layouts.
Perfboard Templates - Templates for drawing perfboard layouts.
Peppermill - A simple, transparent overdrive. Schematic and PCB/perfboard layouts.
Phozer - A faux-phaser circuit with LFO and manual (wah pedal) modes. Schematic and and PCB layout.
Ruby - A refined and updated Little Gem amplifier. Schematic, PCB/perfboard layouts, and photos.
Splitter-Blend - Dual parallel buffered effect loops with blend control. Schematic and perfboard/PCB layouts.
Supreaux Deux - The Supro 16T adapted for use as a distortion stompbox. Schematic and perfboard/PCB layouts.
Thunderbird - An original distortion inspired by a cranked Marshall Super LEad amp. Schematic, PCB layout, and photos.
Tonemender - An ultra-flexible tonestack with clean boost. Schematic, photo, and PCB/perfboard layouts.
Tri-Vibe - A versatile modulation effect that offers true vibrato. Schematic, PCB/perfboard layouts, and photos.
22/7 - A CMOS implementation of the Big Muff Pi with a flexible tonestack. Schematic and PCB/perfboard layouts.
Tube Reamer - Tube Screamer-based overdrive. Schematic, PCB/perfboard layouts, and photos.
UBE Screamer - A CMOS implementation of the Tube Screamer. Schematic and perfboard layout.
Umble - A distortion stompbox, inspired by Dumble amplifiers. Schematic and PCB/perfboard layouts.
Uno - The Boogie MkI adapted for use as a distortion stompbox. Schematic and PCB/perfboard layouts. - Our official archive of older, mostly clone-related DIY-fx information and many sound clips.

Cmos Vs Fet

