Xcode Cheat Sheet

  1. Xcode Debug Cheat Sheet
  2. Xcode Keyboard Cheat Sheet

Why learn by heart if you can cheat? Grab my open source cheatsheet for Swift 5, including common syntax for functions, variables, collections, Object-Oriented Programming, closures, generics, error handling and more!

Xcode Cheat Sheet Knowing your tools inside out is paramount - because you spend countless hours with them. If Xcode is one of the tools you use, we have something for you: we created a nice cheat sheet that we would like to share with you. On the front you can find all the essential keyboard shortcuts. Xcode UI Testing Enjoy this cheat sheet at its fullest within Dash, the macOS documentation browser. Basic Functionality Testing if an element exists. StaticTexts 'Welcome'. Exists) Testing if text with an ellipse exists. Xcode automatically takes screenshots as it runs your UI tests, and automatically deletes them if your tests succeed. But if the tests fails then Xcode will keep the screenshots to help you step through visually and figure out what went wrong. I'm learning coding on OS X, as I'm a beginner, I have to read cheat sheets and I have bunch of files like that, Git commands, Ubuntu Server commands, Node.js modules command and so on. Today I saw my friend using Cloud9, it's Cloud IDE, it has a small area called 'Commands' where he can search and read tiny description about it, also keyboard. Xcode UI Testing Cheat Sheet – Hacking with Swift, To create a screenshot, just call screenshot on any element. That might be a single control in your app, or it might be the whole app itself, in UI Testing Xcode Targets UI tests have special requirements. Execute in a separate process. Permission to use Accessibility New Xcode target templates. Cocoa Touch UI Testing Bundle (iOS). Cocoa UI Testing.

In This Cheatsheet

Compared to the previous versions of the cheatsheet, a lot has changed. It’s expanded, made clearer, upgraded and updated. I’ve added explanations alongside the code examples to help beginner iOS developers get to grips with Swift from a birds-eye view.

This cheatsheet includes:

Xcode Cheat Sheet
  • Variables, including primitives and common variable types
  • Functions, including function declaration and usage
  • Operators, from logical operators to ranges to math – it’s in here
  • Classes, including class declaration, protocols, outlets, properties, initializers, extensions, lazy properties and class methods
  • Instances, including initialization and using properties
  • Control Flow, including if-elseif-else statements and switch
  • Loops, including for, while and Swift range syntax
  • Conditionals, including expressions, boolean logic and operators
  • Strings, including working with strings, converting from String to Int, and string interpolation
  • Optionals, including optional binding, optional chaining and force unwrapping
  • Dictionaries, including initialization and accessing key-value pairs
  • Arrays, including accessing values, adding values and looping over values
  • Sets, including what makes them special compared to dictionaries and arrays
  • Closures, including complete closure syntax, capturing and escaping
  • Guard & Defer, including early return with guard and deferred execution with defer
  • Generics, including generic types and function generics
  • Tuples, because while I’m at it I might as well add tuple syntax too…
  • Enumerations, including raw values, associated values and using enums with switch
  • Error Handling, including throwing errors and catching them with do-try-catch

The Swift Cheatsheet Is Open Source

Good things happen when you work together! My Swift 5 cheatsheet is open source. This means you can do with it whatever you want, as long as you keep the open source license intact.

The most successful people I know share their work. As you’re learning how to code iOS apps, making this your practice is essential.

Can you help? Contribute your Swift code examples, tidbits and cheats by creating a Pull Request (PR) on GitHub. If you have an idea or found a bug, please share it by creating an Issue ticket.


Xcode Debug Cheat Sheet

And of course – help your fellow coder to cheat by passing along this Swift cheatsheet!

Try Out Your Code In The Swift Sandbox

Xcode keyboard cheat sheet

Xcode Keyboard Cheat Sheet

Don’t got Xcode or Playgrounds handy? Try your favorite Swift tricks with the handy Swift sandbox below. It couldn’t be simpler: just type in your code and click “Run”.

let greeting = 'Hello world!'
for _ in 1...5 {

Further Reading

Save the whales, the trees and the arctic, and don’t print out this cheatsheet! Simply save the PDF and keep it open while you’re coding.

Want to learn more? Check out these resources: